"The entire landscape affecting Executive Search has changed dramatically over the last year...job-seeking executives now have powerful new capabilities to be seen, heard, and hired.
CEO Jenkins Interviewed Again as Management Employment Expert on Fox5 TV News
On July 17, 2009, Mr. Jenkins again appeared on Fox5 News being interviewed as the leading expert on Executive Employment and how to land good jobs in this difficult economy. Jenkins was quoted by the Fox5 news anchor as predicting the National Unemployment Rate will rise much higher by year-end.
H&R Helps Multiple Executive Candidates Land Key Positions in 2nd Quarter of 2009.
Despite this very difficult economic recession, Executives represented by Harrington & Reed continue to land lucrative new positions even during the extremely challenging job search climate of 2009!
Featured Candidate for October, 2009, Mr. Al Rodriguez, Executive
Meet Al Rodriguez, a Harrington & Reed Featured Candidate. Watch his Custom NETVYOU Virtual Interview below and contact him directly if your firm needs an accomplished executive with a strong Business background in Risk Analysis and Loss Control. His email is ALR405@yahoo.com
Christopher Jenkins Featured on Fox 5 News: "New OnlineTechnologies and Social Media are Revolutionizing Executive Search. Execs are Going Direct!"
"Digital Dossier & Social Media" for Executive Search Gains National Media Attention. "...and we're the experts on it.", says Jenkins.
Jenkins 2009 Las Vegas Review-Journal Executive Job Search Columns Online
Mr. Jenkins 2009 Las Vegas R-J Columns, "A Hire LVel", can be found at http://www.lvrj.com/employment/jobseekers.html
D. Christopher Jenkins and his Staff Effectively Position Exec Candidates to Deal From Strength with Hiring CEO's.
On a Channel 3 Newscast, Jenkins says "Check the news anchors" for proper dress code, and then the news anchor is actually wearing the "Success Suit" Jenkins recommends. They banter about it on the air.

Hiring Executive watching an Online NETVYOU Virtual Interview of a Top Candidate. The candidate's professional bearing, communication skills, intelligence, etc. are easily inferred.
It's exciting to see how rapidly the simplistic "Video Resume" concept has evolved into a complete online "Digital Dossier" and gained worldwide acceptance for candidate evaluation since this April, 2007 CBS broadcast featuring homemade candidate videos. Several prominent websites now host comprehensive visual profiles of top candidates.
Mr. Jenkins had predicted as early as 1994 that high-quality Candidate Video Intros would one day become the standard screening paradigm. And that was before the Internet! One reason he is regarded as a visionary in his industry.
Jenkins Chosen to Write Full-Page Exec Job Search Article in Las Vegas Review-Journal Business Section!
D. Christopher Jenkins was recently chosen to write a feature article in the new "Jobs Outlook" supplement to the Business Section of The Las Vegas Review-Journal. Mr. Jenkins has titled his column "The Revolution in Jobseeking Effectiveness: From Last Century Resume to Digital Dossier". (It is extremely rare that an independent expert has been granted a full page article. That's how big this jobseeking paradigm shift truly is.) The Jan. 18, 2009 article is available at
"Digital Dossier" is the term Mr. Jenkins has applied to developing an Online Presence for an executive candidate which allows prospective employers to get to know the candidate and establish an overall comfort level prior to actually meeting him or her. The objective is also to increase the candidate's Internet footprint so as to be found and researched more easily.
Mr. Jenkins is the acknowledged expert on executive and high-level management careers in Las Vegas.
"Digital Dossier" is the term Mr. Jenkins has applied to developing an Online Presence for an executive candidate which allows prospective employers to get to know the candidate and establish an overall comfort level prior to actually meeting him or her. The objective is also to increase the candidate's Internet footprint so as to be found and researched more easily.
Mr. Jenkins is the acknowledged expert on executive and high-level management careers in Las Vegas.
All of Mr. Jenkins' 2008 Weekly Review-Journal Columns Are Online
All of the "A Hire LVel" columns which appeared during 2008 in the Sunday edition of the Las Vegas Review-Journal can be viewed at
A Historical First: Top Candidate Gets Hired Without Being Met In-Person!
Harrington & Reed individual client Terry Lee was hired on 7/28/08 by Summit Trust Company solely on the strength of his H&R NETVYOU video intro and two subsequent telephone interviews.
This may be the first time an executive has EVER been hired WITHOUT BEING MET IN PERSON! A true breakthrough in hiring effectiveness for the candidate and employer alike!
This is a landmark event for the online video intro concept we have worked so hard to develop. To view Terry's NETVYOU video intro online, click www.harringtonreed.com/?c=332 .
Mr. Lee has a background in Trust Operations, so together we developed a target list of 7 Trust Companies based in Reno, NV, but without a branch in the much larger Las Vegas market. Without waiting for an "opening" to be published, we Fed Exed each of those CEO's Terry's package of his custom resume, executive briefing, UPshot page, and NETVYOU intro video mini-DVD. Two of the CEO's called him, saying they were very impressed, and he was hired by one of them to open their new Las Vegas office.
It is also important to realize that Terry had no competition for the position, since a position was never advertised. Terry and I researched the situation and trusted the logic of presenting him. This gave him a tremendous advantage, in that no one else was under consideration. They respected his initiative and intelligence.
Of course, Terry was also wise enough to be working with Harrington & Reed to develop this successful career strategy and provide him with the cutting-edge tools and techniques to make it happen.
This may be the first time an executive has EVER been hired WITHOUT BEING MET IN PERSON! A true breakthrough in hiring effectiveness for the candidate and employer alike!
This is a landmark event for the online video intro concept we have worked so hard to develop. To view Terry's NETVYOU video intro online, click www.harringtonreed.com/?c=332 .
Mr. Lee has a background in Trust Operations, so together we developed a target list of 7 Trust Companies based in Reno, NV, but without a branch in the much larger Las Vegas market. Without waiting for an "opening" to be published, we Fed Exed each of those CEO's Terry's package of his custom resume, executive briefing, UPshot page, and NETVYOU intro video mini-DVD. Two of the CEO's called him, saying they were very impressed, and he was hired by one of them to open their new Las Vegas office.
It is also important to realize that Terry had no competition for the position, since a position was never advertised. Terry and I researched the situation and trusted the logic of presenting him. This gave him a tremendous advantage, in that no one else was under consideration. They respected his initiative and intelligence.
Of course, Terry was also wise enough to be working with Harrington & Reed to develop this successful career strategy and provide him with the cutting-edge tools and techniques to make it happen.
Executive Search Giant Heidrick & Struggles Backs Online Video Interview Concept
World executive search leader, Heidrick & Struggles, has made the strategic decision to move its global search platform toward an online video intro basis vs. resumes alone during the next 12 months. In doing so, H&S has invested significantly in VisualCV.com, and Kevin Kelly, CEO of H&S, now advises VisualCV.com. This move represents a sanction at the highest levels of the online video intro concept first originated by D. Christopher Jenkins, CEO of Harrington & Reed, Inc. back in the 1990's and which has culminated in such excellence as can be seen at www.harringtonreed.com/?c=317, produced earlier this month.
Clint Heiden, CEO of VisualCV.com, been involved in strategic discussions with Mr. Jenkins to populate the VisualCV.com site with H&R's NETVYOU candidate video intros. Douglas Meadows, V.P of Operations, is heading the implementation. H&R is universally acknowledged to produce the finest executive candidate video intros in the country. "Mr. Jenkins is the Steven Spielberg of producing and directing these critically important candidate videos, and VisualCV.com and the Internet will be the global theater in which they are shown to key employers represented by Heidrick & Struggles worldwide. This synergy of capabilities represents an entirely new paradigm in management hiring effectiveness from which all parties will benefit."
To see an excellent example of a VisualCV of a Harrington & Reed candidate, go to www.visualcv.com/tinadortch Harrington & Reed designed and produced all of it's content, produced the intro video, and constructed Mr. Dortch's VisualCV profile page. Increasingly, smart executives are realizing that the quality of the intro video implies the quality of the candidate. It's a thousand times more important than wearing a nice suit.
Clint Heiden, CEO of VisualCV.com, been involved in strategic discussions with Mr. Jenkins to populate the VisualCV.com site with H&R's NETVYOU candidate video intros. Douglas Meadows, V.P of Operations, is heading the implementation. H&R is universally acknowledged to produce the finest executive candidate video intros in the country. "Mr. Jenkins is the Steven Spielberg of producing and directing these critically important candidate videos, and VisualCV.com and the Internet will be the global theater in which they are shown to key employers represented by Heidrick & Struggles worldwide. This synergy of capabilities represents an entirely new paradigm in management hiring effectiveness from which all parties will benefit."
To see an excellent example of a VisualCV of a Harrington & Reed candidate, go to www.visualcv.com/tinadortch Harrington & Reed designed and produced all of it's content, produced the intro video, and constructed Mr. Dortch's VisualCV profile page. Increasingly, smart executives are realizing that the quality of the intro video implies the quality of the candidate. It's a thousand times more important than wearing a nice suit.
Mr. Jenkins Appears as Guest on Statewide "Observations" Radio Broadcast
On February 9, 2008, Mr. Jenkins appeared as the guest of Mr. Bob Fisher, CEO of the Nevada Broadcasters Association, on its 30-minute "Observations" program discussing "New Hiring Technologies and Internet Video" on a statewide radio broadcast. Mr. Jenkins shared his considerable knowledge, experience and insights with listeners in the hope that their careers would benefit.
Mr. Jenkins predicted that virtual world website Second Life would soon play a role in effective jobseeking, combined with online intro videos and executive linking sites.
To hear the broadcast, go to http://www.nevadabroadcasters.org/observations/
and click on the February 9, 2008 archive listing for Harrington & Reed, Inc.
Mr. Jenkins predicted that virtual world website Second Life would soon play a role in effective jobseeking, combined with online intro videos and executive linking sites.
To hear the broadcast, go to http://www.nevadabroadcasters.org/observations/
and click on the February 9, 2008 archive listing for Harrington & Reed, Inc.
Out-of-State CEO Calls H&R Candidate and Hires Him!
"Well, I have some great news! On Thursday, 12/13/07, I got an offer from Good Hospitality Services, http://www.goodhsi.com/ and Friday I accepted a new position as Regional Director of Operations and Training at the company headquarters in Indiana. Jeff Good, the CEO, personally interviewed me and hired me without an H.R. person in sight.
"I had sent out 45 links to my H&R NETVYOU video, and SIX OF THE CEO'S I SENT IT TO CALLED ME ON THE PHONE! Never before in my career had one CEO ever called me after submitting a paper resume."
They were all quite impressed with the quality of my H&R video intro. This allowed me to totally focus my energies on those six who liked me. No surprises, either way. For a change, I was not anxious at all about my voice impairment since the cancer operation in May. Since they had seen the video, it never even came up.
"The interview itself was also very different... since they already knew who I was. They said, 'Hi, Phil' and shook my hand like they had known me for years. I felt like a celebrity. Then we got right down to substance; no textbook baloney interview questions."
"With the negotiating skills and professionalism I learned from Loribeth and Chris, the compensation and other benefits were more than I had expected. Great salary, relocation, company car, the works. Thanks for all you guys have done and taught me. Keep me on your e-mail list, and I love your Review-Journal column."
"I will stop by next week to say goodbye. Off to Indiana and my new career...thanks to Harrington & Reed."
You can meet Philip Graham at www.harringtonreed.com/?c=259
"I had sent out 45 links to my H&R NETVYOU video, and SIX OF THE CEO'S I SENT IT TO CALLED ME ON THE PHONE! Never before in my career had one CEO ever called me after submitting a paper resume."
They were all quite impressed with the quality of my H&R video intro. This allowed me to totally focus my energies on those six who liked me. No surprises, either way. For a change, I was not anxious at all about my voice impairment since the cancer operation in May. Since they had seen the video, it never even came up.
"The interview itself was also very different... since they already knew who I was. They said, 'Hi, Phil' and shook my hand like they had known me for years. I felt like a celebrity. Then we got right down to substance; no textbook baloney interview questions."
"With the negotiating skills and professionalism I learned from Loribeth and Chris, the compensation and other benefits were more than I had expected. Great salary, relocation, company car, the works. Thanks for all you guys have done and taught me. Keep me on your e-mail list, and I love your Review-Journal column."
"I will stop by next week to say goodbye. Off to Indiana and my new career...thanks to Harrington & Reed."
You can meet Philip Graham at www.harringtonreed.com/?c=259
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