On a Channel 3 Newscast, Jenkins says "Check the news anchors" for proper dress code, and then the news anchor is actually wearing the "Success Suit" Jenkins recommends. They banter about it on the air.

Hiring Executive watching an Online NETVYOU Virtual Interview of a Top Candidate. The candidate's professional bearing, communication skills, intelligence, etc. are easily inferred.
It's exciting to see how rapidly the simplistic "Video Resume" concept has evolved into a complete online "Digital Dossier" and gained worldwide acceptance for candidate evaluation since this April, 2007 CBS broadcast featuring homemade candidate videos. Several prominent websites now host comprehensive visual profiles of top candidates.
Mr. Jenkins had predicted as early as 1994 that high-quality Candidate Video Intros would one day become the standard screening paradigm. And that was before the Internet! One reason he is regarded as a visionary in his industry.