"Well, I have some great news! On Thursday, 12/13/07, I got an offer from Good Hospitality Services, http://www.goodhsi.com/ and Friday I accepted a new position as Regional Director of Operations and Training at the company headquarters in Indiana. Jeff Good, the CEO, personally interviewed me and hired me without an H.R. person in sight.
"I had sent out 45 links to my H&R NETVYOU video, and SIX OF THE CEO'S I SENT IT TO CALLED ME ON THE PHONE! Never before in my career had one CEO ever called me after submitting a paper resume."
They were all quite impressed with the quality of my H&R video intro. This allowed me to totally focus my energies on those six who liked me. No surprises, either way. For a change, I was not anxious at all about my voice impairment since the cancer operation in May. Since they had seen the video, it never even came up.
"The interview itself was also very different... since they already knew who I was. They said, 'Hi, Phil' and shook my hand like they had known me for years. I felt like a celebrity. Then we got right down to substance; no textbook baloney interview questions."
"With the negotiating skills and professionalism I learned from Loribeth and Chris, the compensation and other benefits were more than I had expected. Great salary, relocation, company car, the works. Thanks for all you guys have done and taught me. Keep me on your e-mail list, and I love your Review-Journal column."
"I will stop by next week to say goodbye. Off to Indiana and my new career...thanks to Harrington & Reed."
You can meet Philip Graham at www.harringtonreed.com/?c=259