Names Harrington & Reed Online NETVYOU Candidate Video Best in the Nation!

April 30, 2007

Respected Career website,, announces it's Video Resume Challenge winner - Harrington & Reed client Kevin Epps.

Harrington & Reed's production of an introductory interview video for Kevin Epps won the National Video Resume Challenge for the month of April, 2007. This confirms that Harrington & Reed is the premier producer of Online Candidate intro videos. Go to to view Mr. Epps' award winning intro video and resume.

This new paradigm-smashing medium finally brings the sight and sound of the candidate directly to the hiring decision-maker, powered by YouTube technology. Worthy of note is that the H&R intro video plays directly from the website, which now features over 100 prime candidates for professional management positions.

Success stories flow in every day of H&R candidates: Being hired the same day they submit the link to their intro video; Landing their dream jobs; Having their first interview with the Board of Directors; Getting calls from CEO's each month wanting to hire them; Being seen and heard at their best online all across the nation and around the world. One candidate received an email from London the day after posting his intro video on the Harrington & Reed site. Another was offered a $300,000 a year job in Honululu without an in-person interview.

Thank you for confirming what we already knew, that H&R CEO D. Christopher Jenkins is the originator and national leader in the production of professional "Video Resumes", and that the best candidates can be easily found on