Candidate Gets $300,000 Offer in Hawaii Using NETVYOU Video Intro...and turns it down!

Before we met Frank Del Toro, he was having trouble getting good interviews even though he had revised his resume countless times. Was it his incredible background, or was it the fact that he was a Fulbright Scholar that was scaring people? Or maybe he was simply overqualified for almost every possible job in Las Vegas, his new home.

The answer was a professionally produced Harrington & Reed NETVYOU video intro. Frank Fed-Exed his NETVYOU CD to a firm in Hawaii who was looking to expand into Nevada. As sometimes happens, he never heard back from them. However, he did get a call from another gentleman: "We're about to begin a billion dollar urban renewal project on downtown Honolulu, and we're interested in having you join our team.", the man said on the phone. "A business friend gave me this little video CD on you, and I've watched it twice. Very impressive.", he continued. "I would like to talk with your about your possible involvement in that project....the compensation is $300,000."

Frank responded incredulously, "What? You haven't even seen my resume, and we haven't met yet!", to which the man replied, "Frank, I don't need to see your resume.....I'm telling you, if the guy who steps off the airplane is the same guy who's in this video, you've pretty much got the job." From my experience, that's the way CEO's work, they hire people not paper, and they know talent when they see it.

Well, although Frank was flattered, he didn't take the job, and he didn't leave wonderful Las Vegas. He did however, accept a solid position as Director of Facilities for Nevada Power, and he loves it. But there's more: once Frank's NETVYOU intro video went online, he has continued to get other offers. You can't stop someone like Frank who looks good and sounds long as the right people can see and hear him. The NETVYOU online video makes that happen. Your phone never stops ringing, and you finally get a chance to turn down companies instead of vice versa.

It's a great feeling.